Two simple tips to increase productivity by 80%

The world of internet is filled with tons and tons of gurus giving out life hacks that they claim will make you a god of productivity (read: increase productivity by 10x). I am a productivity geek myself and try to implement as many of those hacks as possible to see...

Why I Built a Second Brain (And why you should too!)

An average person now consumes more information in a day than someone did in a lifetime in the 1400s. YES IN A LIFETIME. [source: Limitless by Jim Kwik] We are in an era of digital deluge. We are exposed to so much information, so much good information which we wish...

3X your reading speed, honestly!

I recently picked up the habit of reading. Only a few months ago to be precise. But since then, I have been averaging around a book a week. It might seem too big of an achievement to be able to complete a book a week but let me explain why it isn’t hard-on the...